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Banish That Unsightly Bathroom Mold Around Caulked Edges

1. Go to Sally's Beauty Supply and buy the long rolled 1/2 tube-shaped cotton that is wrapped around your hairline when getting a perm or color in a salon.

2. Lay the cotton in place around the tub and then use a dye applicator bottle with the small open tip to pour a thin flow of straight bleach onto the cotton. Use an old wooden spoon or paint stirring stick to push the saturated cotton up against the mold. You can use your hands if you're wearing gloves.

3. Turn the fan on, close the door and leave the room. It's advisable to wear a mask and eyewear while applying the bleach onto the cotton (we have to say this). Start at the furthest point & work your way towards the door.
Rotolo Media Rotolo Media Author

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