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Always Save Your Receipts

This is a big one folks. I'm certain you're as guilty as I am of tossing those receipts prematurely only to find that there's something that needs to go back to the store. Yes, most places will give you a store credit if they recognize the merchandise as their own but you'll likely only get store credit. Then what, you carry around a credit and kick yourself for forgetting you had it the next time you buy from them.

What's easier is to just keep a shoebox or a kitchen drawer (as I do) designated for all receipts. Everything goes in there with little exception. Then when I need a receipt, I have only to hunt a bit to find it. Getting my cash back in hand or a direct credit back to my card is so much better than a store credit if you ask me. One less thing to remember and it's off my mind for good at that point.
Rotolo Media Rotolo Media Author

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